How to choose the right motorcycle boots
Over 80% of motorcyclists who are injured in a crash have injuries to their legs, including 16% to feet and 23% to ankles. Your feet are the part of your body that is most likely to make contact with the road, resulting in injuries even in a slow speed and minor crash. Injuries occur from direct impacts or being trapped between the motorcycle and other vehicles or objects as well as with the abrasive road surface. Tests of 21 well known brands of motorcycle boot against the European Standard, found that none passed the impact resistance test and only half passed the crush resistance test (Motorcycle News, UK). However there is evidence to suggest that good boots can significantly reduce the risk of foot injuries. How can you tell if they are "good" boots? What to look for. If the boots meet the European Standard they will be marked EN 13634. If not, it is very difficult for you to tell how good they are. Many riders and their pillions still wear street or sports shoes. Whethe...